Lars EidingerGermany
Lars Eidinger is fascinated by contradictions. His short video clips are meant to be visualized oxymorons. He calls them immanent transcendence. „The contradictions are our hopes”, Bertolt Brecht once said, and this became Lars Eidinger’s credo. He considers the paradox not to be the end of one’s thoughts but rather a starting point which opens spaces and creates a friction, of which’s energy one can benefit from.
Eidinger captures the world as it is. The only comment he adds is his perspective. His protagonists often have been fallen out of the world. They are lonesome within the community.
For Lars Eidinger, a photograph is not capturing life but death, because the moment that is been taken at is already gone. It is like the difference in between giving a potted plant or cut flowers to someone. The beauty of cut flowers lies in the fact that they are already dead. Past perfect.
The absurdity, vanity, and nullity of human behavior are the topics of Eidinger’s work. It is about the side effects of civilization, stepping backward in progress and to find poetry and beauty in this. The past of the future is the moment. And the moment is a paradox itself – because time is passing and not standing still. The idea of „now“ makes romanticism an utopia and is what the phenomenon of presence describes.
„Lars Eidinger is his own opposite.“ John Bock